1 min readApr 30, 2021


The essential problem around racism now is there is no widespread vision, or any vision, other than MLK's, of what a society free of racism looks like. (His notions are not unattractive.) What are that society's qualities and values and mores? Without an articulable goal, racism can't be "solved". If it can't be solved, trying to be anti-racist when even that has no clear boundaries will inevitably lead to resentment and abandonment of the effort by well-meaning white people.

We agree there is racism. We can't take a meaningful next step until we have a clear vision, or even a hazy vision of what we are stepping toward. That is why we have these interminable, intractable discussions. Instead, let's make the vision of the society we really want the focus of discussion. If we gain clarity and come to some consensus on that, moving ahead can be done positively. Until then, being decent respectful people working generally toward material and social equality and justice is the best we can do. Ending police violence goes without saying, but that's a separate issue.

